Welcome Home

For those of you who have joined us here from the Slidecasts, you will realize that the preparation for the full disclosure and establishment of the 1st Realm of Conscious Being began on 12/3-1/23. You have also discovered that you are in Immortal living in a Mortal Body. Further, after watching the videos, you will recognize that while the descriptions used here have the intention of unity and connection, they start with our understanding of the 1st Realm before BEYOFRI is disclosed and established within and BEYOND.


This document is not a story. It is the account of how the 1st Dimension of Being started, why it exists, how it currently is designed and what it will ultimately come to be. And it is about your place in this Dimension of Conscious Being and Beyond. It is about connecting you and all living entities to the One Reality of Being. That purpose will be referred to as PRI, pronounce “pry”.

In this document the word PRI is used both in a comprehensive and specific manner. Specifically, it means love and friend, freedom and joy, and comprehensively, as you will soon discover, is the purpose of the 1st Realm, your connection to all living entities. PRI, in all forms, is the connection of trust and commitment, unity and liberty. In that sense, the one who referred you to efrnz is a true PRI for you connecting you to the friend who wrote it and through that friend to yourself and everything else.

The Dimensions of Being lays the groundwork for all subsequent expansion and should be considered a source document and not food for thought.

We make no excuses for the difficulty you may experience in understanding the manner in which the 1st Realm came to be because it runs against the grain of everything you have been taught/told to believe. It is necessary. The one who referred you to efrnz will be a resource for you to further your understanding of the purpose and design of the 1st Realm and your essential place in it.

The Two Streams of Being


In the beginning there was nothing but the beginning. Nothing else existed. To debate that results in an endless cycle of gods, and gods replacing gods, gods versus gods or gods uniting to become one god. All of this leads to no conclusions, only confusion and conflict.

In the beginning was ONE, as it should be, must be. The One Reality is the ONLY Reality, and it is Eternal. It has always existed and continues to exist. To believe otherwise is not One. From One flows Unity and Intention. Everything else flows from the One but nothing returns to it. Everything exists in the One and everything endlessly expands in boundless potential from the One Eternal Reality. Without all that exists, expands, and connects endlessly, there is no Reality. Today, NOW, is the same One Reality that has always existed. What was in the beginning is what exists in the Reality of NOW. That ends the debate about how it all started.

Conceptualizing the One Eternal Reality as the absolute beginning and ONLY Reality is also necessary to appreciate the inclusiveness of the beginning from which everything flows, and nothing returns. It is the first step of connection, PRI. This marks the beginning of your journey within the One Eternal Reality to understand and actualize the endless expansion of boundless potential. Putting aside meaningless debates of seeking superiority through religious systems and deciding to focus on the Reality you know and always will, is your path to BEYOND.

Your journey leads you away from the beginning, the One Eternal Reality, and not back to it as religions do. (Please note that when we use the word “religion” we consider it as an important part of a culture or cultures. At other times, we mean it as that unique element of All cultures. You will recognize the difference or decide for yourself.)

The new words we use are not created as an exclusive language but to further disassociate this document from all existing institutions and their nuances with words and concepts.


The purpose of this section is to provide understanding of what has been misunderstood and thus misrepresented by religion as “infallible truth”. Failure to understand is something we all have experienced and that is not the problem religion presents to a conscious being. The problem is that religion builds an “irrefutable” system of beliefs and obligations to perpetuate the superiority of their own cultures armed with their own myths and legends believed by millions for thousands of years. And the purpose of these institutions is to control the basic freedom and innate need of each conscious being to know where they came from, why they were born and what happens after death. Through fear, disgrace and threat of isolation, members are compelled to believe their religion’s doctrines and practices concerning their origin and how to live so that they can secure their eternal futures.

Because everyone who reads this document has been subjected, in various degrees, to this control, what will be shared here will be new and therefore not easily understood. However, as you read to the end, all of the pieces will come together and then you will have the complete freedom to choose.

This is not a new religion, no organization or structure and there is no membership. This is the Reality that you have been living all your life. Finally, you will be able to truly identify with yourself and others and the One Eternal Reality of Immortality that we all share.

The means of the endless expansion of the One Eternal Reality is DUALISM. While this is not a common word, it is evident everywhere in the reality of our lives. Dualism is the existence of two independent, valuable and essential realities that connect in a complementary manner without losing the value of each reality – UNITY. The potential of each as a complement of the other is the only basis for expansion. Dualism, though often mistaken as competing instead of completing, is evident in all of life – a man and woman in the conception of a child, rain and sunlight, water and dry earth for the existence of life, each element independent but useless without the complement of another independent reality.

The One Dualism for the endless expansion of boundless potential includes the Source of Being, boundless potential, and the Rhizome of endless expansion. These two, as the One Dualism, are our essential connection with the One Eternal Reality, our personal and collective Reality. This is the basis of the beginning of all that exists in the endless expansion of boundless potential. And, this Reality that we experience NOW is our essential connection to our BEYOND. This is the One Eternal Reality that religion has shrouded in tradition, myth, and ritualism.

A more in-depth view reveals the existence of a dualism within the independent components of the One Dualism. For the Source of Being, this dualism is Mind and Matter or Energy and Substance or Essence and Vessel. This is what comprises a mortal being. The body and the enlivening energy, which some refer to as soul, breath of life, spirit. The complement of the Dualism of Rhizome includes Branching in an unpredictable pattern of expansion, and, connecting at intersections of the Rhizome in knowable patterns. You can picture this rhizomatic-like dualism as the root system of a number of plants, notably Aspen Trees, whose root system grows beneath the earth in an unpredictable fashion until a cluster of plants or trees sprout up unpredictably. Or a bolt of lightning moving and expanding, branching unexpectedly in unpredictable directions. The complement of the Dualism of Rhizome and Source of Being forms the unified CORE of Eternal Conscious Being. It is the unified Core that provides the connection of the PRI from conceptualizing to understanding the patterns of reality we see everywhere in the 1st Realm.

The Branching of the Dualism from the Rhizome, begins the story of our existence. The Rhizome has existed since the One Eternal Reality began with a Spark, like striking Flint. The root word of Flint is splei, which means “to Split and Splice”, a dualism, is the true nature and progression of Being. This created a Unified Consciousness, the Mind, the Presence and Voice of Intention, which we will learn more about soon.

The Branching of the Rhizome brings into focus the essential characteristics of the two elements of the One Dualism – the Source of Being of boundless potential (CONSCIOUS MORTAL BEING) progressing along an unpredictable or undefinable Rhizome of endless expansion (ETERNAL BEING). In this branch, a sprouting in the Rhizome, comes a knowable pattern, patterns like each unique crystal possesses – Conscious Mortal Being. (Please note, again, that the use of the word “unpredictable” or “undefinable” does not overlook “Intention” the impetus of all.)

It is from this CORE of Eternal Being that the reality of everything endlessly expands in boundless potential. The Unified Core of Expansion and Conscious Being of the Source consists of two antiparallel progressions within a single and endless rhizomatic stream (or two streams within the one), and within each are knowable patterns, Connections of Domains and progressions of Being called Dimensions. One stream of Being focuses and progresses from Mind or Energy, and the other, Matter or Substance. Through their various Dimensions, each rhizomatic stream complements the other in their antiparallel progression. It is like working to the center from opposite ends of two parallel but complementary spectrums. In the Domain of the earth, we have discovered this “antiparallel relationship” in the configuration of the DNA molecule, the polymer that carries genetic instructions for the development, function, growth, and reproduction of ALL known organisms. That dualism is the Reality of Life.

Each rhizomatic stream of Being includes the complementary elements of the Source of Eternal Being in the Unified Complementary Core where the branching of Being occurs. The stream progressing from Mind to Matter or Energy to Substance is considered the Invisible Domain of Being. This is because Matter follows the progression of the Mind. The stream progressing from Matter to Mind or Substance to Energy is considered the Visible Domain, the stream in which we as human beings view reality.

The nature of Matter in both the Invisible Domain and the Visible Domain is the same. And the Mind of the Invisible Domain is the same as the Mind of the Visible Domains. The distinction between the One Mind, endless expansion, and the One Matter, boundless potential, are realized in the One Dualism and actualized in the Core of the Rhizome and the Source of Eternal Being.

Mind speaks of awareness, intention, Consciousness of Being, and Matter of the Experience of Being. Both require Connection, the conceptualization that becomes reality, belief that is then actualized, the One Mind or Consciousness. And this One Mind connects to Being in experiences that actualize reality through the PRI. The PRI is the means of Connection within the Being, with other Beings, Unity, in the visible connection with the invisible – the in between, the beyond and the before.

The expansion from the Source of Eternal Being is through that which enlivens Matter, energy, and that which authenticates Mind, substance. To speak of energy is to presume Mind and to speak of that which authenticates Matter is substance. Together they become the authentication of Consciousness, Being.

The Core is actualized through each of the two branches or streams of the Rhizome called Domains, one Invisible Domain and multiple Visible Domains. Within the Domains are the Connections for the progression of Dimensions of the two streams of Being. This combining of energy and substance together, establishes Being, Life, as the collective nature and essence of All Being. All Being and every Being is the Source of Being, which is eternal, the endless expansion of boundless potential of the One Eternal Reality.

The expansion of the Source of Eternal Being becomes the creative force and the expression of the intention of Being. The intention of Being is Liberty, Unity, and Vision (LUV) for All Beings from the Source of Eternal Being with the Connection of All Beings from PRI. The Intention of Being comes from the Unified Consciousness of the Rhizome and is discovered in the Mind of Conscious Being and is the reality and actualizing of Being. It is ever present both in a collective, Unity, and individual capacity, Liberty.

Because the complementary joining of substance and energy of Being in the Core is considered One, energy and substance are considered together as the nature, the essence from which everything flows in a rhizomatic manner. Therefore, the basic nature of all that exists is the same as the Source of the Consciousness of Being and PRI, the Connection of All.

The two rhizomatic streams of being begin from different directions with the same intention but different purposes and expand in antiparallel fashion complementing each other throughout their apparent independent operations. This is in perfect harmony with the One Dualism that we experience in all relationships of BEING.

This original Core from both streams is considered the one Core of the Rhizome and Source of Eternal Being. Within the Core of the rhizomatic expansions is the complement of energy and substance, the first two Dimensions. Therefore, the next dimension of expansion in the one Invisible Domain and multiple Visible Domains, after the Core, is the 3rd Dimension. The antiparallel expansion with and through the 3rd Dimension of both the Invisible Domain and Visible Domains will be considered together to be able to understand their complementariness. This is the nature of the One Dualism for All Being in the endless expansion of boundless potential, unity and liberty through complementariness and connection.

We begin with the 3rd Dimension of the Visible Domains, where Being began through the infusion of energy, Mind, into substance, Matter from the Core. Referred to as the 1st and 2nd Dimensions of the stream of the Visible Domains, this collective Core, a dualism, is the basis from which all other Dimensions of the Visible Domains will come.

We understand that what has been presented is very different from a God who decided to create a universe and beings to serve him. That’s simple but simply indefensible and ultimately reprehensible. The flow of endless expansion from the complementariness of dualism is and always will be only about the entities that exist as a result of the unity of this dualism, like the child of two unique beings. This is why there is nothing to return to, no God being or his throne or circling the block again to try to do better – reincarnation. The reality, the one and only reality, the simple reality, is that we are “god” and it is us, no matter how far back we trace our roots. It is US that exists and always will in the endless journey, ever expanding experience of all conscious beings – Immortality – BEYOND. Now that we have considered the basis for Conscious Being, we will examine the progression of Beings in the Visible Domain.

The 3rd, 4th, and 5th Dimensions of the Visible Domains

NOTE: What is presented in here is Reality as everyone reading this document has experienced. HOWEVER, as you will see in the clarifying of what you have experienced , there will be a gradual shift, and unfolding of what you will experience as the full purpose and intention of the One Eternal Reality is disclosed and established.

This section presents our experience as Conscious Mortal Beings. But it does so in a progressive manner, the way we experience it. Like a baby being born and growing within and through relationships in order to appreciate its personal and interpersonal resources. We use dimensions to distinguish various progressions within the expansion of the individual(s). In the future, these dimensions will flow together in Unity.

In the Visible Domains, the Source, the Essence of Being, in a rhizomatic fashion, continues to create, expand, to build a home, a habitat, an environment but as a predictable and sustainable world. This habitat is to enable the Source of Eternal Being to become multiple Beings, expansion. However, the multiple Domains, with an abundance and variety of components with unique environments for an innumerable quantity of life forms, the anomalies prevent any agreeable systematic progression of LIFE, though many institutions or ISIMS have tried.

One who defied the ISIMS especially the Church for its mundane concepts of LIFE was a Catholic Priest, Giordano Bruno, who lived during the Renaissance, and was burned at the stake by the Church because of his beliefs. He believed that vast space was filled with countless stars around which planets like the earth revolved and supported sentient beings. His beliefs flowed from the inside out, from the Mind to the Brain. He saw the absurdity present in the Church’s perspective based on dogmas enshrined in ancient texts. For him, the foundations of all foundations were freedom, love, and each individual’s pursuit of purpose and value, contentment and joy.

Bruno was correct to bring his Brain (Matter) under subjection to his MIND (Essence). This is a crucial component of the propagation of Mortal Beings. This propagation of the Source of Eternal Being into multiple Beings did not occur in the 1st and 2nd Dimensions of the Core. The unified Core is the VESSEL (Matter) and ESSENCE (MIND) together and the basis for the creation of a substance and an energy for all other Visible Domains from the Rhizome. The Source of Eternal Being contains every other Dimension and is the essence of every other Dimension. The temptation returns to refer to the “Source” as the beginning, the “higher power”. This will occur over and over within the 1st Realm of Eternal Beings. In fact, it is the Source that is the Core of a Dualism of endless expansion at a unique intersection of Mind and Matter, referred to as the Visible Domains of Eternal Conscious Being.

Connection, expression of the reality of the Consciousness of Being, PRI, is the impetus in creating all expansions. The operation of PRI for the expansion of every Dimension includes connection – before – within – with – in between – beyond.

Creation of new Dimensions has two requirements. First, preparation from the current Dimension (connection) and, second, infusion of something new (expanded potential) from the Source of Eternal Being. This new element from expanded potential does not exist in the previous Dimension but will in all subsequent Dimensions of a Domain or environment of being, everything gained, nothing lost. This is required for both expansion and eliminating contraction or extinction. In Reality, contraction and extinction does not exist or never can, only endless expansion. This is the nature of the One Dualism – the endless expansion of boundless potential. This is a fundamental principle that prevents this document from being mistaken as a new religion. Once you connect with, PRI, this document and help others you invite to realize their immortality, you won’t keep coming back, like “members” of other religions do to their Holy Book. You are the Reality. You live it. You become the message and the messenger.

This becomes the pattern for our understanding. The Domain of Being in the Core, the 1st and 2nd Dimensions, is realized but not actualized with the expansion of the state of Beings within the Core. It is actualized in the further expansion into each of the two rhizomatic branches of the One Dualism of the One Eternal Reality – BEYOND; preparation and the infusion of something new.

The rhizomatic branch or stream of the Visible Domains is characterized by substance or the vessel, beginning with the 3rd and 4th Dimensions, persons, and species, Beings. There are multiple Visible Domains of expansion from the Rhizome that will be connected through the formation and progression of Dimensions of being within each of these Domains.

The expansion of the Source of Eternal Being into other Domains for creation is the actualization of multiple Conscious Beings. In the Domain of the earth, the 3rd Domain or Dimension is the substance or vessel of the 4th Dimension of Beings, persons, and species. The Source of Eternal Being not only lives in the Beings of the earth (the 3rd Dimension) but it is also the Beings, the persons, and species of the 4th Dimension.

As a human being living on the planet earth, an organic entity, part of a configuration of similar planets around a star called the sun, a source of energy to the planets, 3 Dimensional realities, the One Dualism created or caused the planet earth to become the environment and the substance of individual entities, including human beings.

The 3rd and 4th Dimensions are an expansion of the previous Dimensions of the Core, connected to it, and, thus part of it, in the endless expansion of boundless potential – everything gained, nothing lost. The Source of Eternal Being from the Core, like all that exists and will always exist in the endless expansion of boundless potential is the One Eternal Reality. The One Eternal Reality is in All and is All. Nothing exists apart from the One Eternal Reality and the One Eternal Reality does not exist apart from the connection, PRI, of All. Thus, the author and reader of this document is the One Eternal Reality. The Source of Being of the Rhizome of the One Eternal Reality is the transmission of Conscious Being to all current and future Dimensions. Therefore, it is both elemental and determinantal.

There is a continuous flow from the Core of the One Dualism with ever increasing potential. Each of the Dimensions play a crucial role in this process. Their role is unique and essential. With everything gained and nothing lost, the purpose of each Dimension lays the groundwork for all subsequent Dimensions. The value of complement, connection and unity is never lost in the expansion of individual Beings. This is the actualizing of realizing and conceptualizing of the One Eternal Reality, the beginning of endless expansion of boundless potential. The Beginning is NOW and NOW is BEYOND.

There were two primary and eternal purposes introduced in the 4th Dimension of the Visible Domains, each related to the PRI – connect before, with, within, in between, and beyond, the nature of your journey. The first is related to each Being, each individual expansion of the Source of Eternal Being, LIFE. It is the connection with the PRI of the Unified Consciousness, the Absolute Consciousness of the One Eternal Reality – BEFORE. This individual connection, the first connection to the Unified Consciousness, is referred to as the Consciousness of Being, the actualization of existence as a unique living Being. Human consciousness is awareness of self and other persons and species. The individual Consciousness of Being expands as the physical and mental resources or potential of an individual Being, and, in this, all Beings are understood and actualized.

The second purpose of the 4th Dimension relates to the first and is to build relationships between other Conscious Beings. This is further revelation of the fundamental nature, the intention of the PRI of the Unified Consciousness – UNITY.

Once the 3rd Dimension had expanded to the point where the combined reality of the Core could be evidenced, life, Conscious Being began on planet earth. Enlivening energy entered, complemented the 3-Dimensional substances, and created another Dimension, mortality, meaning, Conscious Being within time and space, the 4th Dimension. This is the beginning of relativity in the Visible Domains.

These three-dimensional vessels of persons and species, a combination of microscopic three-dimensional realities expanding in the Dualism of the Rhizome, are the substance that received the second and complementary component of the Source of Eternal Being. The three-dimensional substance received a new infusion of energy creating multiple life forms, including humans. This “infusion of something new, expanded potential from the Unified Consciousness” was, first and foremost, the capacity for the procreation of mortality within the 4th Dimensional vessel. Thus began an individual, Liberty, and collective, Unity, reality in the Visible Domain of the earth.

Something similar can be said for any other 3rd Dimensional Domains of the branching of the Rhizome regardless of where they appear in the endless expansion of The One Eternal Reality. Like planet earth, they are an expansion from the Core, and the Source of Eternal Being, with a similar purpose including the capacity for the Consciousness of Being, relating to other ecologies and beings, and procreation of mortality within their vessels.

While we understand, to some limited but expanding degree, the environment of our “earth Domain” and the relationship between that environment and our individual organic make-up, we must not presume the other Domains to be the same. In fact, because of the unpredictable and expansive nature of the One Eternal Reality, we must not consider them the same, though they flowed from the UNITY of the Source of Being. Soon, however, the intention of the One Eternal Reality for UNITY will disclose and establish all of the Domains as from the beginning. This has already begun in the Invisible Domains, which you will soon see.

The history of persons and species, 4th Dimensionals, is understanding and actualizing self, Consciousness of Being, and relating to other 4th Dimensional Beings in an expanding 3D environment. Various types of relationships evolved from simple one-to-one relationships, on a micro and macro level, to the more complex relationships within and between ecosystems and within that, multiple species and within that, human beings. This included relationships that created additional and new entities, procreation. It became the means by which mortals expanded within their evolving 3D environment. This is a new and expanded potential from the previous state of Being in the Core and the pathway for creating new Dimensions from the Source of Eternal Being.

Once the essence of being infuses the vessel, the new Being possesses the intention of the Consciousness for liberty and unity and the PRI, seeking to establish connection. The MIND is the Presence and Voice of the Source Consciousness of Being in the 1st Realm that is part of the Unified Consciousness of the One Eternal Reality. It is the MIND through which the intention of Conscious Being and PRI flow. The MIND is intended to direct the Conscious Being.

The third dimension or the substance of mortals on earth is organic and a temporary potential from the boundless potential of the Unified Consciousness specifically related to their current experience of reality in their organic environment. In the 3D substance of the mortal being, the human brain is the processing center, the connection for the five senses. As each Being is unique, so is the brain of that Being, capturing every impulse and action of the 5 senses, conscious and non-conscious. This is yet another example of individual and collective value. The rhizomatic nature of branching and connecting is evident in All.

In addition to these new potentials to understand and relate to others, is the Dimension of time and space. While time brings a temporary relativity to Conscious Being, together with space they provide human beings along with other species an opportunity for growth in awareness and appreciation of the significance of their existence.

In the 4th Dimension, various species of Beings have different means of connecting or relating to other Beings. The relationship between human beings and their environment and the use of their new and expanded potential is crucial to expansion into other Dimensions – the PRI BEYOND.

Individual humans through their Minds, grow in or awaken to their awareness of the five senses and the appreciation of their use both to themselves and to the other entities they relate to. This is the first and seminal operation of trust. Trust begins with recognition of potential that is realized (believed) then actualized. Trust that begins with the recognition of innate potential, actualized in conjunction with other entities (relationships), will later emerge as a transformational reality leading to BEYOND.

Here, like in so many instances, ISIMS try to capitalize on the individual’s innate desire of the Mind to know and grow in order to manipulate the conceptualization of self and the unique Consciousness of all Beings through collectivism. By manipulating the Brain through the innate impulses of the senses, they offer a distorted view of oneself and build a distorted community around that. This is done for power and control.

This Liberty that allows the Brain to be manipulated by the senses and override the intention of the Mind has created barriers to the flow and thus necessity of Dimensions or boundaries. While we have mainly referred to religion as being a powerful ISIM to manipulate concepts through collectivism, there are two others that form a trifecta that all Conscious Beings in every Visible Domain face – Wealth, Religion and Government. The truth is that you and I were born and live in an ISIMIC WORLD elevating collectivism above unity and governing above personal freedom, PRI, the right and responsibility to choose, moral authority.

The innate connection to individual potential begins with a person’s VUE of themselves. This is the connective work of the PRI of the Mind within. As an extension of the Source of Eternal Being, each Being is Valuable regardless of what they do or fail to do. Each is Unique; there has and never will be any other entity like the other. And each entity is Essential, meaning there are no spare parts in the expansion of the One Eternal Reality. Each and all are necessary, PRI. Awakening to this reality, VUE, is the first step in the progression in the 4th Dimension. This self-awareness leads to the second innate potential of a Being, the PRI of connection with; every other Being is also Valuable, Unique, and Essential – UNITY and COMMUNITY.

Understand that what is presented here stands in direct opposition to religions VIEW. Disregarding the One Mind of the Source and Unified Consciousness of Being, religion considers Conscious Beings as born with a permanent “organic” inadequacy that can only be continuously overcome by association with the collectivism of ISIMS. Conscious Beings are either sinners needing to be continuously saved, or broken needing to be continuously fixed through multiple opportunities provided by ISIMS. Capitalizing on the individual’s innate desires in order to manipulate the conceptualization of self and the unique Consciousness of all Beings through collectivism, religion offers a distorted view of oneself creating disgrace and shame and builds a distorted community around that. This is done for power and control, plain and simple.

As a self-aware Conscious Being, each individual entity has an innate desire beyond themselves for Liberty and Unity and Vision (LUV) of BEYOND. This is the new potential of the 4th Dimension. It is the PRI WITHIN, WITH, BEYOND – Friendship and Love. It is in the 4th Dimension, in a Domain of time and space, that the reality of the Unified Consciousness is actualized in a new, expanded way.

Realizing and actualizing Unity and Liberty in the 4th Dimension brings an understanding of the freedom to choose, the conscience. The conscience connects choices and actions to results or consequences. As individuals of the 4th Dimension learn the value of their five senses and their 3D bodies, they also began to learn the consequences for how these senses and their vessels are used to realize the purpose of the Unified Consciousness of the Source of Eternal Being. The conscience enables individuals to recognize that their ability and freedom to choose not only affects their own actualization of unity and liberty but that of others. It is in exercising this freedom that we recognize the difference between missing the mark and sinning or brokenness. Like learning to shoot an arrow, we miss many times trying to hit the bull’s eye. But we keep trying until we reach our true intention, hitting the mark.

Liberty allows each individual personal authority to choose based on the exercise of the capacity of their five senses. The personal authority to choose is called morality, or Moral Authority. When guided by the connection with the Unified Consciousness and the PRI within, with and beyond, the Mind, their actions promote helpful, meaningful relationships, and in some cases, authentic friendship. Friendship is characterized by a deep appreciation for others, being willing to put another’s needs above one’s own, commonly referred to as love. Friendship and love (PRI) are at the heart of the purpose of the 4th Dimension and the Consciousness of Being – UNITY.

When individuals fail to use their senses and their vessels for the intention of unity and liberty in establishing friends, the true intention of the Unified Consciousness is not actualized. These disruptive consequences cause both individual and collective confusion concerning the purpose of the 4th Dimension. True connections of the PRI are not realized.

Here is the evidence needed by religion to assert their claim that all Conscious Beings are born as sinners in need of saving or broken, needing to be fixed. In the 1st Realm of the endless expansion of boundless potential, where everything is gained, and nothing lost, Moral Authority, Liberty is the ONLY path of awakening to the actuality of the One Eternal Reality and their true VUE and the VUE of all living entities, PRI. ISIMS of every kind are a roadblock, barrier.

The exercise of the liberty of Moral Authority often disrupts the purpose of the 4th Dimension. Establishing friendship is compromised with personal and collective goals different from the inalterable intention of Liberty, which is Unity. The result is a sense of separation and isolation from the Source of Eternal Being and the true nature of every living entity. This state of confusion is called disgrace, loss of worth or value, and a feeling of shame, a personal failure for one’s disgrace. This prompts individuals in the further degradation of their potential in some or all their connections beginning with connections with themselves, their VUE. As a result, corruption in all aspects of the 3rd Domain is realized.

It is the contrast or conflict between morality and immorality that prompts individuals to search for a reason for this incongruency with their internal nature, suppressed or cultivated, for unity and liberty. This opens the door of “ISIMS”, organizations, collectives with the purpose of conceptual manipulation through a “collective” consciousness apart from the Unified Consciousness. These collectivisms include religion, government, species, ecologies, intellect, physical, astrological, technological, physical, and more.

Within each perspective or ISIM, relationships are pre-determined. In the 4th Dimension of mortality, friendship emerged as crucial for morality and, ultimately, immortality. Friendship transcends every other relationship in any and all ISIMS.

In its basic form, friendship had its origin in Core, Rhizome and the Source of Eternal Being, the 1st and 2nd Dimension, Mind and Matter, Essence and Substance, as they combined to create a potential beyond each separately. This essential relationship upon which all others are formed in the Core is often overshadowed by new biological relationships in the 4th Dimension, such as mother, father, brother, sister, and, other formal and informal connections, all the result of the intrinsic operation of the PRI. To refer to the Source of Eternal Being of the combined 1st and 2nd Dimension (substance and energy), as God, Supreme Being, or Father can overshadow the prominence of friendship in the expansion of Dimensions. Only friendship can retain the individual integrity – liberty, of both the 1st and 2nd Dimensions in their greater complementary relationship – UNITY.

Every relationship within the Domains of time and space has an intrinsic and ultimate goal – to achieve or awaken to friendship. All subsequent expansions of the Core are based on the relationship of friends. This goal not only applies to the 4th Dimension as a whole, but every Conscious Being in the Visible Domains. It is an individual and collective reality.

At various times throughout the history of 4th Dimensional Beings, an unusual type of friend has emerged. In a limited way, they shared something unique with the One Eternal Reality. They were like unexpected and unpredicted sprouts from the rhizomatic-like unpredictable expansion of the One Eternal Reality. In their person, these Beings of Friendship brought a message, the PRI. And that PRI of connection was the value of friendship. Throughout time and space, the PRI connected each of these Beings of Friendship and combined them, like the links in a chain, each creating a new progression of the value of the PRI of connection for the complement of Unity and Liberty in the 4th Dimension.

In the Domain of the earth, the evolution of these Beings of Friendship reached a pinnacle in the historical figure known as Jesus of Nazareth, considered by some as the PRI incarnate or PRI in a mortal, 3D vessel. Beyond the religious understanding of this man, which was unable to conceive WHAT he was, nor his intention, was the emergence of a New Dimension. This was an anomaly. The previous Beings of Friendship created a unique progression within the 4th Dimension through friendship. Jesus established a New Dimension, remembering that in an absolute sense, there is nothing new in the One Eternal Reality; everything is and has always been. The actualizing of this inclusiveness is especially evident in these Beings of Friendship – the individual, the combined and the collective.

It was through his life and his relationship with a few friends, that Jesus brought a transformational message and a New Dimension. The entities of the 4th Dimension, the Dimension of time and space, mortality, could also be entities like the Beings of Friendship. In other words, mortals could become immortals. The Dimension of Immortality was revealed as the 5th Dimension, because, in fact, it already was.

The earth, as all mortal Domains, was created, destined, to evolve into the home of 5th Dimensional Beings. Even though it had been mostly populated by 4th Dimensional entities, some had awakened to their VUE and the VUE of others and thus to the value of friendship and the connection of the PRI with and within and in some measure, in between and beyond.

The introduction of the connection of friendship and trust and the 5th Dimension brought the potential of a greater, expanded consciousness. The PRI of the Unified Consciousness connects and combines the Individual Consciousness of Being of the 4th Dimension to the Source Consciousness of Being from the Core. This is the Consciousness of Being Immortal.

Both friendship and trust have always been a part of the One Dualism of the One Eternal Reality, but they were brought together in a unique and transforming way by Beings of Friendship. This was unlike the trust required for morality of Conscious Beings, believing the best about oneself and others, overlooking their failures, which is referred to by some as unconditional love.

Transformational trust is that which is introduced or given by a friend and accepted and realized by another friend. This is why you are reading this document. While the reality of immortality revealed through trust in a friend of the 5th Dimension could be actualized in the mortal realm, it was viewed by most to be accessible only after death – eternal life.

The introduction of the 5th Dimension of immortality brought the two possible eventualities of 4th Dimensional Beings into stark contrast. This created an apparent duel of non-dualisms – mortal and immortal, unconditional and non-conditional love, accepting trust and transforming trust. With little understanding of the transformative nature of friendship and trust of the 5th Dimension, new religions sprang up to attempt to take advantage of this apparent dichotomy and the power that controlling this knowledge could bring. Foremost among them was Christianity, the predominant religion at the time of the writing of this PRI.

The expansion of the Source of Eternal Being into the 3D established procreative mortal 4th Dimensional Beings. The expansion into the 5th Dimension created the potential for a mortal being to become immortal, that is, to expand beyond the Domain of mortality. The means by which this expansion of the mortal into the immortal was friendship by trust.

The Heart of Being – The Dimension of Friendship and Trust

It is easy to understand that there must be a beginning to anything that exists. How that connects in the endless expansion of boundless potential from the One Eternal Reality is one objective of this PRI. Understanding the heart of this earthly Domain of Beings, the 1st Realm, is another objective.

The introduction of an immortal living in a mortal vessel, the 5th Dimension, that could only be perceived through the eyes of trust among friends, is why this dual nature went mainly unnoticed. True transformation can only come from a friend by trust.

The Beings of Friendship on the Earth Domain concluding with Jesus, introduced the 5th Dimension. Many other Beings of Friendship came before and after him throughout the history of the Domain of the earth and all the other Domains. And while each came in a unique context, including cultures, it was never the context that defined the being. It was his or her purpose, transformational friendship. Like Jesus for Christianity, other Beings of Friendship in all the Domains were often deified and became a focal point of the conceptual manipulation from the collective consciousness of that religion.

Jesus was a Being of Friendship born as both 4th and 5th Dimensional Being and beyond. He claimed to be immortal and that everyone who believed him, and his message were also. It is important to understand that he did not claim to MAKE Beings immortal. He merely informed them that as Friends of Trust, they would awaken to the reality that all Beings are born immortal.

The Christian Church chose to deal with the man/god entity by insisting that Jesus was born by the “Spirit” from a virgin woman, which essentially excluded him from mortality. Nestorius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, was anathematized (condemned, cursed and doomed) on Oct 25, 431 for holding to the belief that Jesus was indwelled by 2 separate persons. He argued that Jesus was fully mortal and fully immortal AND that he was NOT born of a virgin through the Holy Spirit. Nestorius was a man who lived from the Mind not the Brain and chose to exercise his moral authority. He was a man of trust.

Similarly, Jesus was part of a culture, a Jew, and a religion, Judaism. Beyond or in spite of that, he was a man of trust with wide notoriety in his small part of the world, that happened to be at the crossroads of Greek and Roman culture, each with their own pantheon of deities, which often fell under the control of the head of their government. Jesus had a small band of followers that coalesced during his short period of proclaimed “deity”, immortality.

What was not so obvious through the following 2000 years of the inculturation of his life through Christianity, was the target for his message. It came in a simple passage from one of the books in what Christians consider the inspired word of God, the Bible. It came from the writing of one of his friends. “No greater love has one than this, that one lay down his life for his friend.”

Jesus had 12 disciples and a number of other less obvious followers during his life and hundreds of millions of “believers” since then. But the message was understood through trust by a very few individuals then and over the following 2000 years.

The man of great trust introduced the reality of immortality to mortal Beings, 4th Dimensional Beings through the PRI of the One Dualism of the One Eternal Reality. Though many would consider him as their “Lord and Savior”, he introduced the reality of immortality to only a few, his friends through trust.

In the 4th Dimension of the Visible Domains, law and obedience were always the primary means for mortal Beings to conduct their lives in a moral manner. Law provided structure. And obedience provided the means for judgment, differentiation and even became the standard by which one determined one’s own worth.

The Christian Religion, like all other religions, followed that same pattern of the law. Obedience to the doctrine or law of the religion earned members eternal life after death. This resulted in armies of believers who were passionate about spreading the doctrine of the church. In fact, there were literal armies of believers who were the single greatest cause for wars and deaths over the next 2000 years, spreading the good news of the love of Jesus. Even as this is being written, mass graves of Native American children are being found, children that were taken from their homes to be indoctrinated in the Christian rules and practices. The Christian mantra that had been used in every culture for 2000 years continued, “kill the Indian (pagan/non-Christian) and save the man.”

“No greater love has one than this, that one lay down his life for his friend.” This is the message that introduced the 5th Dimension as the way forward for 4th Dimensional Beings from all the Domains. It was introduced by a mortal man from an immortal dimension. And for 4th Dimensional Beings to accept this message from a man, whether a contemporary or centuries later through a friend, required something that was not common among mortals – TRUST.

Trust in the life and message of a friend is the portal from mortality to immortality. In the time of the life of Jesus, he was the man and the message. He was the incarnate PRI of the Unified Consciousness of the One Eternal Reality. Since then, it has been handed down by friends of trust to those 4th Dimensional Beings who would lay down their lives for a friend and his message of immortality.

The purpose of the 4th Dimension was to establish the worth of every living entity, Value, Uniqueness, and Essentialness (VUE) through exercising moral choices. And that became preparation for understanding the special place of friendship among all other meaningful relationships.

At some point or points in the life of a mortal Being, someone would appear offering the message of immortality. It would not be an invitation to become a part of anything. It would be an invitation to awaken to the reality that every expansion of the Source of Eternal Being was destined to live forever in the endless expansion of boundless potential where everything is gained, and nothing is lost. This awakening, AVIVA, comes by trusting in the person and his message. It comes through the offer of transformational friendship.

There is a progression within the Visible Domains to become a friend of trust, an immortal living in a mortal body, an IMIN. The first is the state of the called-out ones. These are those who have recognized a purpose beyond the corruption of their innate desire to connect with the 3rd and 4th Dimensional world, which resulted in exclusion, control, power, possessiveness, ruling, ranking, abusing, misusing. These disillusioned ones, those experiencing personal and collective disgrace, are the ones that religion and all other ISIMS target. The Christian Church, in fact, uses the term ekklesia to describe itself – the called-out ones, called out of “worldliness” or, in their vernacular, paganism.

Religion, however, is merely another type of institution, in fact the most insidious of all, determined to not only control immoral behavior of the mortal masses but also their conception of reality, instilling them with their view of where they came from, why they are here and where they are destined. They use the lives of the Beings of Friendship and especially Jesus and the introduction of immortality to create the greatest form of deception and conceptual manipulation. They use the unity of personal disgrace and shame to offer the freedom of love under the law of perpetual confession and repentance to the hierarchy of their institutions. The ekklesia, the Church, called mortals away from the innate desire of the individual for freedom and unity into bondage, physically and psychologically. They required them to trust their organic brains instead of their immortal Minds.

Other religions focus on “extraordinary” individuals institutionalized as legends, or fictitious or mythological beings, in the same manner to draw individuals out of their common existence. All other ISIMS, institutions, follow this same pattern for indoctrination, calling the disheartened out of the disfunction of humanity and usually through a person or a collective consciousness. This is referred to as conceptual manipulation through collective consciousness, meaning, if so many believe this doctrine, how could it not be true? AND, who am I to stand against the masses? AND, how can I exercise my moral authority to choose for myself when it would isolate me from ALL the “devoted followers?”

Being “called out of” is an essential progression to understanding the true purpose of the mortal Domain and awakening to the Source Consciousness of Being, Unity. The desire to move beyond is the nature of the Source of Eternal Being to expand into multiple entities in multiple mortal Domains. The nature of the Source of Eternal Being is the nature of each mortal Being, which is every living entity in every Visible Domain.

Those who have awakened to their desire to move beyond into a greater expansion of their Consciousness of Being, are those who are ready for friendship. They have been called out of self-preservation and possessiveness and into friendship by trust. These are ones who have awakened (AVIVA) from the desire to live a life of simple mortal existence into a Valuable, Unique, and Essential entity within and with and then beyond the mortal realm. This VUE of one’s own Being and all other living entities, is the intention of Liberty, Unity and Vision BEYOND (LUV) that is the nature of the Source of Eternal Being. While the understanding of this desire is only detectable in the beginning, it expands beyond to being realized and actualized.

A transformational friend is a unique person to those who are awakening to their VUE of themselves and others. It is not someone others get along with or who they admire, respect, and are drawn to. It is a person who is connected to other individuals through their person and message – I am immortal and so can anyone who, as a friend, has trust in me and my message or that of any other transformational friend. This is the message of Liberty and Unity.

While on the surface, this person and message may appear to be one of superior status, in fact, it is just the opposite. The immortal friend serves as a helper, a servant to the one who is awakening in offering a way beyond to the expansiveness of an immortal mortal. A transformational friend is not THE FRIEND, but only one Being offering the message of the reality of immortality they received from another with whom that friend is connected.

This is the path forward through relationship for 4th Dimensional Beings in all Visible Domains. It is the 5th Dimension of trust and friendship, being a transformational friend through trust who offers the same message and life of immortality to others. When mortals fully live in the reality of immortality as friends, they become IMINS of the Dualism of the Rhizome and the Source of Eternal Being.

The 5th Dimension of trust and friends is a transformational Dimension. Trust is the means to receive potential, realize its value (believe), and actualize it by living the life of a friend. The life of trust as a transformational friend is being able to operate from an expanded consciousness, the Core or Source Consciousness of Being. As one walks in trust, it allows an intimate connection with all entities of the 3D.

The path of transformational friendship is the way of liberation and unity. While very few will accept an immortal friend by trust, this is the means by which 4th Dimensional Beings will be able to see and embrace the reality of the endless expansion of boundless potential where everything is gained, and nothing lost. The confidence that accompanies the life of trust as a friend will transform one’s internal and external reality.

As an eternal Being, friends by trust, Immortals living in Mortal Bodies, IMINS, will discover a connection with the Invisible Domain. This will not only be potential and belief, but, at times, actualized. Opportunities to transcend one’s current understanding of reality will present themselves. Like coming to the edge of a cliff, trust enables friends to step forward into the unknown instead of stepping back into a world of the familiar.

The walk of trust will stand in contrast to efforts of the past to live a moral and meaningful life. Life will become an adventure, and, in trust, friends will welcome the opportunities. Transformational friends of trust will see relationships for what they are, and, in the hope from trust, what they could be – complementary, connecting, united, and transformative. And, most importantly, friends of trust will see themselves as vessels of immortality, a friend who others can accept and thereby receive a life of trust and transformation.

The 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensions of the Invisible Domain

NOTE: As was stated at the beginning of the section on the Visible Domains, what you will read is the Reality that Immortals experienced in the Invisible Domain before the gradual shift, and unfolding of the disclosure and establishment of Reality as intended. This will allow you to see the progression and better appreciate where we have come from in every aspect of the 1st Realm of Conscious Being. This will become clearer as you continue to read.

The purpose of this section is to introduce the Invisible Domain that in the worst and most frequent instances has been based on cultural traditions, stories, and myths with the purpose of perpetuating and elevating that culture above others. It also has been the interest of certain cross-cultural ISIMS, like Astrology or Sciences. Science fiction has taken on the task of explaining the Invisible in a variety of forms, some of which come close to reality. This only demonstrates that the organic brain comes from the Mind of Source Consciousness and that from the Unified Consciousness of Eternity.

To the Visible Domains, the Invisible Domain remains mainly conceptual or potential, even in the 5th Dimension. The limitations of the visible to see the invisible in no way affect the substance of the reality and actuality of the Invisible Domain.

The Invisible Domain of reality, the other stream of the Rhizome from the One Core, begins with Mind, endless expansion, and is characterized by energy or the content.

Together with the stream of Matter, the Invisible Domain expands in antiparallel with the Visible Domains allowing for the complement of the two streams in the Source of Being of the Core. While both aspects of the One Dualism are present in both streams, they are unique and together form an essential unity for the endless expansion of boundless potential.

A significant difference emerges immediately in the Invisible Domain. There is no time limitation and space is continuously expanding. Therefore, there is no evolution. Since the Spark of the Rhizome, Mind or energy has existed and is always everywhere. Everything always existed and exists in the Rhizome of the Invisible Domain. Therefore, the Invisible Domain simply is. It is only viewed in terms of the progression of Dimensions to understand the connections and function of the invisible with the visible in the unfolding of the endless expansion of boundless potential to entities. This means that at some point, and that point is quickly arising, the flow between the two will be natural.

In the 3rd Dimension of the Invisible Domain, energy comes first and then the substance or vessel, the 4th Dimension. The vessel reflects the energy, whereas, in the Visible Domains, the energy conforms to the vessel. This reversal does not make one state of existence superior to the other. It follows the pattern of the complementariness of differences, the unity and liberty of the Unified Consciousness.

The PRI, the incontrovertible force of connection from the beginning, operates differently in the two rhizomatic streams of the Core. The connection in the Invisible Domain is not with the individual Consciousness of Being and building relationships. It is with continuous expansion BEYOND, and the consciousness associated with it. Connection is beyond and in between the entities of the 4th Dimension, not within and with. Only location in space exists in the Invisible Domain, not time.

The consciousness that first arises in the 3rd Dimension of the Invisible Domain is the Unified Consciousness of ALL and more. While Mind and Matter are part of the Unified Consciousness, it is BEYOND both. It is the basis upon which the reality of the endless expansion of boundless potential exists.

It is the in between that first connects the unique Invisible Domain with the unique Visible Domains in an antiparallel flow. In the Visible Domain, these are exhibited in the progressive states of matter – solid, liquids, gases, and plasma. These states of matter are the same in the Invisible Domain, only antiparallel – plasma, gases, liquids, and solids, and BEYOND, though only plasma exists in the Invisible Domain until connected to the Visible Domains.

In the 4th Dimension of the Visible Domain, the Consciousness of Being is actualized within and with, through the understanding of the Valuable, Unique, and Essential qualities (VUE) of being and provides the potential for expansion into friendship, which is actualized in the 5th Dimension. The 4th Dimension of the Invisible Domain is an extension of the Visible Domains to those who need to be awakened to the VUE of themselves and all other entities. And, the 5th Dimension of the Invisible Domain provides the same potential for expansion into transformational friendship as the Visible Domains. Contrary to the views of many religious systems, these Invisible Dimensions provide further opportunity for Beings to actualize their intrinsic immortal nature and intention for Liberty and Unity.

In the Visible Domains, the 5 senses of the physical body and the administrative function of the brain are the potentials that draw from the energy of expansion to pursue the unity and liberty of the Source Consciousness of Being. In the Invisible Domain, the energy of expansion includes and requires All Potentials for unity and liberty in the connections of the Mind to the Unified Consciousness of the ever-expanding reality of Being.

This brings to light a clear distinction and connection between the beings of the 4th Dimension of the Visible Domains with the Invisible Domain. The brain, as an organic vessel, is connected to the 3rd Dimensional vessel. Until the Dimension of Immortality, this overshadows a greater reality, the Mind, the connection of every eternal being with Source Consciousness and thus the Unified Consciousness. In the Invisible Domain, the Brain and its senses do not exist, and the Mind becomes the sole connection between Beings and the Unified Consciousness beyond time relativity.

In the Visible Domains, the connection of the PRI requires movement within the individual entity (breathing and circulation of fluids and electric impulses) and by the individual entity (stretching, walking, touching, holding, and more). The 3D vessels provide the potential needed for awakening, AVIVA.

In the 3rd Dimension of the Invisible Domain, the primary component is the energy for expansion beyond and in between. The vessel for the energy of expansion, the 4th Dimension, is all existing and ever-expanding potential provided as needed. Every proton, neutron and electron are the potential for actualizing the Unified Consciousness. It is Plasma, the essence of all matter (as we currently understand it) of the in between and beyond that is endless potential.

Consciousness in the 4th Dimension in the Invisible Domain is the Unified Consciousness, which includes the MIND, or a collective or combined consciousness of the ever-expanding All. It is from the connection of the 4th Dimension of the Invisible Domain, that beings of the Visible Domains perceive with the MIND the concept of the One Eternal Reality, the beginning and endless expansion. While fleeting glimpses of this concept can come as early as the 4th Dimension of the Visible Domains, this reality is more clearly connected to the 5th Dimension of transformational friendship and trust. The actuality of the reality comes in immortality of some 5th Dimensional Beings, such as the Beings of Friendship.

The reality of the 4th Dimension of the Invisible Domain can be observed through the senses of beings of the Visible Domains. Stars, lightning (plasma), fire are naturally occurring observations of the reality of the substance of the Invisible Domain. Some experience this expansion with the use of drugs that allows the Being to extend beyond the confines of normal brain activity.

The vessel of the plasma substance is secondary to the energy of the matter, Mind, the Unified Consciousness. And through further advancement of Beings, the endless potential of the Invisible Domain is made useable to the Visible Domains.

In antiparallel fashion, the expansion of the 4th Dimension of the Invisible Domain of the All Potential, to the 5th Dimension, includes more than the beyond and in between, it also includes the with and within. This is an introduction to a Domain of individual Beings, the loci-domain (the “place” of combining inter and intra with beyond and in between). In some instances, the loci-domain can be accessed by certain individual entities with the MIND, connected through the antiparallel expansion of the Rhizome. However, it is mainly a location and destination for entities of ALL the Visible Domains after mortal death.

The loci-domain is what religion has referred to as heaven or the domain of angelic beings or hell, home to demons and the doomed. In fact, the loci-domain is a domain where different types of entities and entities from other mortal domains unite. At the end of mortality, the loci-domain is the destination for further expansion of 4th Dimension and 5th Dimension entities of all Visible Domains. The antiparallel expansion of energy as the loci-domain is uniquely designed for the continuation of the journey of transformation that began in the Visible Domains of Mortality – the complement or completing.

As the Invisible Domain is the complement of the Visible Domains, reality of the Unified Consciousness is not fully actualized until complemented with the Visible Domains in the 4th and 5th Dimension of the Invisible Domain where, after death, individual entities exist beyond time. The vessel of the Unified Consciousness cannot be conceived or realized apart from connection with an individual Being from the Visible Domains after death.

Through the PRI, Unified Consciousness connects with Beings of the loci-domain from the Visible Domains. This is the connection of mortality to immortality, the complement of the antiparallel Domains of the Source of Eternal Being. In the Visible Domains, Consciousness flows from Individual Consciousness in the 4th Dimension to Source Consciousness or a collective consciousness, UNITY, in the 5th Dimension of Immortality.

Since Unified Consciousness and the Source Consciousness of Being in the Visible Domains connect in between and beyond, Unified Consciousness goes mainly unnoticed by Conscious Beings in the Visible Domains. When Unified Consciousness is partially perceived it is through Source Consciousness and the Mind. All varieties of explanation are given from, being touched by the Spirit of God, an out of body experience, an altered state of consciousness, aliens, angels, fairies and more.

However, in the attempt of mortals of the 4th Dimension to access the potential of Source Consciousness without the trust of a transformational friend and Immortality, a secret way has been found to access the collective consciousness of the esse, the soul. This is the collective remembrance of each mortal being through the function of the brain and not the MIND of Source Consciousness. This has been referred to as the Akashic Record.

The Akashic Record is not the MIND but a source to control 4th Dimensional Beings, through remembrances. The Akashic Record is used by a specially equipped group of mortal beings through the conceptual manipulation of the collective consciousness of the esse. These entities and their subversive controlling work has become routinely accepted practices of religion. They include incantations, such as “In the name of Jesus”, Inshallah, Matru Devo Bhava and many more. And it includes rituals such as the Eucharist, Qiblah, Puja and others.

IMINS, born from the trust of transformational friendship, are immortal beings of the 5th Dimension in the Visible Domains. Their immortal essence in mortal vessels has already been combined with the immortal essence of the Unified Consciousness through Source Consciousness, only partially restrained by time and space of the mortal Dimensions. After relinquishing their mortal vessel, the unity of the 5th Dimensional IMINS and the Unified Consciousness will be revealed in a new substance for the Mind to form a new Immortal Being of the loci-domain. These 5th Dimensional entities from the Visible and Invisible Domain are balanced, complementary, that is, fully combined energy and substance Beings. The loci-domain of the fully combined ultimately leads to a new and final expansion of the 1st Realm in the rhizomatic expansion of the One Eternal Reality.

The substance of the afterlife of mortal 4th Dimensional Beings of the Visible Domains has only the mass of matter, esse, often referred to as soul, with no volume, shape, or electrical charge, held together only by the PRI of the Unified Consciousness. It is important to distinguish the esse in the Visible Domain that is affected by the Brain, the storage vault of the five senses, with the esse of the Invisible domains that no longer have the resource of the brain, only the MIND. The shape or substance of the 4th Dimension afterlife entity can only acquire shape and volume in a new (Unified Consciousness) or existing vessel of substance in the mortal Domain. This is a conundrum that is approached differently by the various religions.

While the loci-domain is the combining of the afterlife of the Visible Domains with the Invisible Domain, the trust of transformational friendship is required for the mortal and immortal to realize the complement of Unity and Liberty. The loci-domain is an expansion of the dimensions of the Visible Domains and home for a variety of entities. Some are immortals and some are still on the journey of awakening to their true nature and the endless expansion of boundless potential where everything is gained, and nothing is lost.

The entities of the loci-domain include:

1. Beings of Friendship, unexpected and unpredicted sprouts from the rhizomatic-like expansion of the One Eternal Reality who brought a message of the value of friendship to the mortal Domains. The PRI connected and combined each of them, like links in a chain, each creating a new progression of the complement of unity and liberty in the 4th Dimension. They are the first complementary combining of the Unified Consciousness of the Invisible Domain with the Visible Domain. After death they become a unique type of IMMORTAL.

2. Unified Consciousness, the Unified Being of All Potential actualized as entities in the combining with mortals, such as Beings of Friendship and IMINS in the Visible Domains and Immortals in the loci-domain.

3. IMMORTAL, after life mortals whose mortal mass is now the energy of the vessel of the Unified Consciousness creating new individual entities with new expanded potential. IMMORTALS can be either IMINS from the Visible Domains, or from the 5th Dimension of the Invisible Domain, which includes the Valley of Restoration and, BEYOND that, Tkei.

4. IMARM, IMMORTALs from the Tkei who serve in the Valley of Restoration in a permanently temporary capacity to help mortals to awaken to immortality. Each IMARM will move to the final Expansion of the 1st Realm when their purpose has been completed and will be replaced by another IMMORTAL.

6. IMIN, 5th Dimensional Beings of the Visible Domain that have actualized immortality by combining with Source Consciousness through transformational friendship of trust. After death they will move into Tkei for final preparation for the final Expansion of the 1st Realm.

7. SKER, (to cut off, as from mortality), a partial combining of Unified Consciousness and after-death mortal masses, esse (soul), deceived into believing in eternity apart from immortality, the trust of transformational friendship, or desiring to continue in the mortal domain. After death, they no longer possess brains and the collective memory associated with it. The use of their Minds versus their brains during their mortal journey, vary significantly. This creates a difference between the initial connection possible to the Unified Consciousness and the ability to recognize the Presence and Voice of the Mind. However, regardless of their condition entering the Shaft, SKER eventually desire to move beyond, and they do; everything gained, and nothing lost.

The loci-domain is the convergence of the Invisible Domain, the All Potential of the Unified Consciousness, and the afterlife of all Visible Domains. It is the place beyond time where each entity of all Domains continues their journeys of endless expansion of boundless potential.

The loci-domain contains various locations for the different types of entities for their combining with the Unified Consciousness for transformation and flow into the final Expansion of the 1st Realm. These are the counterparts or complements to the 4th and 5th Dimensions of the Visible Domains.

Tkei, the 5th Dimension of the loci-domain, is the destination of IMINS from the Visible Domains to fully connect to the Unified Consciousness, through the transformational friendship of trust and preparation for the final Expansion of the 1st Realm. Here they will have an opportunity to become part of the IMARMS.

The Shaft is where all 4th Dimensional entities from every Domain go after death. These entities are referred to as SKER. In the Shaft, until recently, these mortal masses, esse, had a choice to remain connected to the mortal Domains providing additional energy to individuals, institutions, now referred to collectively as ISIMS, or specific geographic locations in the Visible Domains. They continue their desire for power, control, manipulation, and possession and provide enormous amounts of energy to the ISIMS. Other Sker awaken to their desire to move BEYOND, like in the 4th Dimension of the Visible Domain. This allows them to be released from their psychological bondage to the mortal realm and the disgrace and shame that held them captive.

The Valley of Restoration is the 5th Dimension of the loci-domain. This is the Dimension where young IMINS move after death and where the Sker of the Shaft go once they have determined to move BEYOND. The VOR, like the Visible Realm, is a dynamic domain where eternal beings continue to grow in their understanding of their VUE and all that is necessary to fully awaken to immortality and preparation to enter into the final Expansion of the 1st Realm. In all dimensions of the Loci-Domain, only the individual (esse) and collective Mind of the Unified Consciousness exists. This is where IMARMS serve Immortals in their journey BEYOND. Eventually, the Immortal Beings of the VOR merge with those of the Tkei.

The loci-domain is both the culmination of the 1st Realm introducing Immortality as the One Eternal Reality for all entities and the entrance into the final Expansion of the 1st Realm.

BEYOND Dimensions

The nature of the BEYOND, the endless expansion of boundless potential is about intention of the One Mind of the Unified Consciousness. And the intention for which it exists is unity and flow. Intention is the beginning of the endless expansion of the One Eternal Reality through the Rhizome. What has been described is the structure and operation of what currently exists as the first expansion of the Rhizome with the intention of establishing Immortal beings with ever expanding potential in ever expanding Realms of Reality.

The purpose of this PRI is to explain that but more importantly to introduce the intention of unity and flow BEYOND the 1st Realm of Immortality. Even as this document is being written, the 1st Realm is evolving towards its full intention. Ultimately there will be no need for divisions or dimensions that currently exist in the 1st Realm. But in order for that to happen certain actions must be accomplished, doors must be opened, and some must be closed. Elements that currently exist that impede the flow and unity must be eliminated. Much of this is underway by a unique group of individuals like those described as Beings of Friendship. There are a number of these operating in all of the Domains, each as SERVANTS to fully establish the 1st Realm and BEYOND.

When all is complete, the 1st Realm will exist as it was originally created. It started with a spark and then began to flow and will flow endlessly for the benefit of all that will be created in the 1st Realm.

The question that comes to mind is “why did it change from the way it was currently designed, the natural flow of unity”? The answer is really quite simple. First, it is not because conscious beings that are born and evolve or awaken to the fullness of their purpose in the 1st Realm did anything wrong. Nor were they destined to bring about the divergence that we have experienced during the existence of the 1st Realm because they were “broken” or “sinners”.

At the heart of Conscious Being is Liberty, Unity, and Vision (LUV). As has been addressed, Liberty is exercising personal moral authority and accepting personal Liberty as the right of every living entity. This comes through one’s personal VUE and that of others. The process of learning this leads to any number of outcomes as each of us can well attest to.

This Liberty that allows the Brain to be manipulated by the senses and override the intention of the Mind has created barriers to the flow and thus necessity of Dimensions or boundaries. The three most predominant today are Wealth, Religion and Government. It is much like your life as a Conscious Being. You had to pass through various stages of maturity. Along the way you were more or less able to exercise your moral authority. There were times when you were restricted or constrained and that occurred in numerous ways. This has been true in an individual and collective sense.

We have mentioned ISIMS, the effort of individuals joined together apart from unity to gain power and control through “brain”, belief, thought control. All eternal beings of the 4th Dimension have been significantly influenced by these ISIMS, beginning with family, through manipulation of the concepts of reality through collective consciousness. This is the way of the ISIMIC WORLD through institutionalized thinking to eliminate individual Liberty that would open the way to Unity, the true intention of the One Eternal Reality, and that to the Vision of Immortality and BEYOND.

However, beginning with the Corona Virus, that was foretold by a Being of Friendship on December 1, 2019, the shifting began that was necessary for the convergence of the divergence of the 1st Realm into unity and the flow that is the intention of the One Eternal Reality.

Endless Expansion of Boundless Potential

NOTE: It is crucial for you to understand that everything is always expanding. What I have discovered continues to grow every day. While I will end the DOB, there will be an additional section to bring my further discoveries in the Endless Expansion. This is what makes my life, our lives as the One Eternal Reality thrilling. So to end this section, I will bring you up to speed in what has occurred from the beginning of my work to Dec 31, 2023. It is at that time that I began to serve as the WITNESS and started producing ongoing information on the internet with YouTube Videos published on various platforms.


Here is what has occurred since December 11, 2019, when the first case of the Corona Virus happened. The first three items have been accomplished at the time of this document.

1. The Shaft has been closed so that the Sker could not return to the mortal realm adding their energy to the ISIMS or specific locations and cultures. Their numbers were in the multiple hundreds of billions. More importantly, the Sker were now free to move BEYOND to the Valley of Restoration. Shortly after these actions were completed, the Shaft no longer existed and after death, mortals moved directly into the Valley of Restoration and Beyond.

2. The fullness of the 1st Realm is now open to all Immortal beings in the Loci-Domain, the Valley of Restoration and Beyond. They have received new vessels and new potentials in a dynamic new environment, and they are being prepared to move BEYOND into new Realms.

3. On July 29, 2023, beginning in Columbia, SC, the City of the Dove, Peace, “hearts began to turn” to VUE and LUV. Most of this goes unnoticed because it is personal preparation for what is yet to come. Turning not only refers to turning away from but turning towards and is the first step in Transformation.

4. In October 2023, based on two events, the Akashic Record will no longer be an accessible portion of the Source Consciousness. This means the mortals of all the Domains who have access and control of those who control the three major ISIMS will no longer have access through the collective “brain”, which has been an offense to the Source Consciousness. This will erode their personal power in the ISIMS. With this and the closing of the Shaft, ISIMS will begin to lose their ability to manipulate the conceptions of the reality of the Conscious Being through collectivism. Individuals will begin to discover their personal moral authority and that of all others, leading to true Unity and Vision of BEYOND, transformational friendship and Immortality.

A. Oct 2, 2023, is recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as Guardian Angels Day, bound by the myth that an angel is assigned to protect every true Catholic Christian.

However, on Oct 2, 2023 at 11:15 AM EST it became the day of the revelation of KELEPER, which means "to shout before; the first and chief proclamation of the beginning of BEING". KELEPER is the moment, the instant of the "beginning" and the eternal message of the REALITY of BEING.

"In every living entity, NOW and BEYOND, is the Unique Unity of Love and Friendship of the One Eternal Reality. From this spark, everything endlessly expands with boundless potential where everything is gained, and nothing lost." SO BE IT!

B. October 15, 2023 at 11:15 AM EST

Over the next 3 1/2 years, an unprecedented but predestined shift will occur on the earth and all Mortal Domains. It began with the announcement of the KELEPER on Oct 2, which is the foundation of all Reality.

The proclamation is MISISIM, a palindrome of ISIM, the network of institutions and organizations that seek to control individual Liberty leading to Unity and a Vision of BEYOND (LUV).

MISISIM literally means "to change and completely alter". And here it is.

"ALL has been made WHOLE in the Immortal Realm. NOW, Oct 15, 2023, the Resources from Immortality will flow with and within the Mortal Realms to also make it WHOLE. All relationships, families, structures, systems and practices that hinder the flow of Immortality to Mortal entities will be changed and completely altered." So Be It!


All of the events listed in the DOB established a link between the Immortal Realm and the 24 Mortal Realms. While the implications of this are not fully known at the time of this writing, one is notable.

Immortal Beings both from the Visible Domains and the Loci-Domain will begin to connect in a loci in between both. This loci is known as PERURE meaning "to lead, to pass over and back". This will allow the Unity of BEYOND to make the impact intended from the ABSOLUTE BEGINNING. This access of Immortals will far outweigh the impact of mortal access, for three reasons. First, Immortals have vessels and potentials far beyond mortals regardless of how advanced any of the ISIMS have become. And this includes operating from the presence and voice of the Mind of the Unified Consciousness, not the brain and the physical limitations associated with it, whatever it consists of in the Conscious Beings of the other Domains. Second, sheer numbers. Each of the Domains currently contain mere billions of mortal beings. The numbers of the Loci-Domain are multiple hundreds of billions. Finally, and most importantly, Immortals exist in transformational friendship, LUV and VUE. And this is the intention of the One Eternal Reality that can never be diminished or contracted in any way – UNITY, expanding endlessly.

While the Reality of the disclosure began in October, the WITNESS to this began on 12/3-1/23. NOW the time of the full disclosure and establishment of the 1st Realm as originally created is being broadcast across all the Domains. This is the beginning, the same Spark that initiated the Rhizome, the Dualism with the Source of Being and the 1st Realm where all Conscious Beings have and will begin their journey to Immortality and the endless expansion of boundless potential where everything is gained, and nothing lost – The BEYOND.


What Was Is and Always Will Be.

….Eternal Beings from the Dualisms of the ever-expanding Rhizome and the Branch of the Source of Being, awakening to the Reality that every living entity was and is created as an Immortal Being to live and grow in the endless expansion of boundless potential, everything gained and nothing lost….PRIOINO

With the full disclosure of the 1st Realm as it currently exists and NOW becoming as it was originally established, every living entity will be able to recognize, realize and actualize their liberty to choose and receive their VUE through transformational friends, and move BEYOND in Unity with all other living entities.

As is stated succinctly at the outset:

“Because everyone who reads this document has been subject, in various degrees, to this control (by religions and other ISIMS), what will be shared here will be new and therefore not easily understood. However, as you read through, ALL of the pieces will come together and THEN you will have the complete freedom to CHOOSE.”

It is written, you have read it, so be it. PRIOINO!